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Position:Home>Dancing> Any tips for you cwalkers out there?

Question:any ideas how to get better on moves? i've watched many videos on youtube. and i read some stuff on the internet. anything else that would further me into becoming a better cwalker?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: any ideas how to get better on moves? i've watched many videos on youtube. and i read some stuff on the internet. anything else that would further me into becoming a better cwalker?

Just like he said... u need some1 there to see ur moves and to tell if they are actually working and looking good...Ive tried everything looking at sites and movies to learn... I got somwhere but when i tried to do smthn infront of the the real cwalkers i was nthn... You need to have some1 practice with u and try to create smthn new...I found three buddies of mine that are now teaching me how to bust it out on the dance floor...All i can say is practice practice practice, ull get somewhere i promise....I never thought id learn to moonwalk, it cant be any simpler beleive me. Gluck and again practice

If you are not in the gang... dont do it...

You are wearing a red t-shirt... asking about the C-walk???