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Position:Home>Dancing> How come when girls dance it HAS to be sexual?

Question:Guys don't have to be sexual. Thats not fair.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Guys don't have to be sexual. Thats not fair.

Girls who don't know how to dance make things sexual to hide their lack of skill or formal training. It's easier to be lazy and play to the lowest common denominator knowing 95% of guys aren't going to say, "that's slutty, why don't you learn how to do an arobesque?"

Nothing screams "I can't dance" more than someone trying to show off how sexy they think they are.

i know , it aint fair.probably bc some guys cant dance??idk

it doesn't have to be sexual, frankly, i get offended when i see people seemingly mid-coitus on the dancefloor.

because we can't dance, and we like to be entertained. we're very simple creatures, us guys.

How is it better for men ?

Women just have to look good; You could be a bad dancer and so long as you're attractive, it hardly matters so long as you don't go overboard. (ie. Elaine on Seinfeld)

Guys look retarded dancing (unless you're professional) so usually just end up for the most part standing there while you dance... It is almost impossible to look good dancing as a man without either professional training or a good amount of experience...

Note: You don't have to be sexual, but if you want a man to dance with you instead of your girlfriends than you do. Guys don't want to dance (few exceptions), and the only reason we do, is because women are sexy and going to show off their bodies for us out there... that and dancing seems to put women in the mood...

It doesn't. Neither do they have to dance publicly at all. That's on you.

What planet are you from?

Men (and I use the word loosely) grab their crotches,
dress in clothing so they can "drop trou(sers)" easily
(or, at least, to make people *think* they do so!),
perform "air sex" with imaginary partners,
bump and grind on any nearby female
(sometimes, not even human ones!) . . . ;)

'Nuff said?

because if guys did it it would look wrong!!!:P

Girls' opinions are that if you've got it, flaunt it

it doesn't have to be. check out some videos online of bgirls. breakin' isn't sexual at all. then again, most breakers are bboys... haha anyways i agree with a lot of what other people are saying: it just means they aren't good enuff dancers to do something nonsexual. for example with breakin' it doesn't need to be sexual for people to watch it because its impressive enuff looking on it's own if you get what im sayin.

if girls dance is or is not sexual is only in your mind
the same with boys