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Position:Home>Dancing> How do i improve both sides across the room in ballet?????????????

Question:in ballet class we always go across the room doing combinations that i am really good at 1 side but not the other! can you guys give me hints to break this incredibly annoying thing in ballet!?!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: in ballet class we always go across the room doing combinations that i am really good at 1 side but not the other! can you guys give me hints to break this incredibly annoying thing in ballet!?!?

if you use one side of your body more often, that side is going to be stronger and react faster to what you want it to do. try to be aware, and say you favor your right side, use your left to carry your math book, use your left to brush your teeth, etc., and then you can even it out a little!

ha i know what ur talking about. im better going to the right on everything than i am going to the left. umm im not sure if there's a sure-fire way to fix this (i wish there was) but all i can say is to practice a lot on ur bad side and eventually it'll get better