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Position:Home>Dancing> Ballet teaching methods!?

Question:What is the difference of teaching methods I mean what's the point. Isn't ballet all the same? Why are there methods?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What is the difference of teaching methods I mean what's the point. Isn't ballet all the same? Why are there methods?

Badically, ballet is ballet, but the four main schools of teaching- Vagonova, Ciccetti, RAD, and the French method, all have slight variations in technique. They all developed through the choreography and pedagogy of different dancers and teachers.

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  • Lu's Avatar by Lu
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  • ballet is extremely hard! you have to get the technique perfect or otherwise you are doing it all wrong! there are two types of ballet, there is bbo and utd.
    i do b.b.o
    its important that the teacher is highly qualified ( mine isn't that qualified and you can tell!)
    it makes MANY years to complete it

    i have done RAD but i know there is also CSTD

    Ballet is not all the same. For starters you have Classical Ballet and Contemporary Ballet. Some schools teach ballet in different ways but most have the same underlying principals.