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Position:Home>Dancing> I am having trouble with my Jazz Axel ?

Question:Are there any tips I should know?? I'm 15 and I've been dancing for years, and I just can't seem to get the single axel. Every time I try to do it full out, I fall. I'm fairly good at spotting...I guess it's the whole jumping and turning thing that I can't seem to get. Tips are greatly appreciated.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Are there any tips I should know?? I'm 15 and I've been dancing for years, and I just can't seem to get the single axel. Every time I try to do it full out, I fall. I'm fairly good at spotting...I guess it's the whole jumping and turning thing that I can't seem to get. Tips are greatly appreciated.

Oh, yes axels are very hard....
I have mine now and I'll tell you a good trick to get to jumping high.
Okay you know how your leg is supposed to swing around and then into a posse position? Well do your axel standing in place at the bar without turning.
Maybe your arching your back or forward. My dance teacher kept telling me that I was arching my back and I didn't even notice I was until I video-taped myself. So make sure your lifting your body. Have you ever heard of keeping your sholders in front of your ribs? Well if your arching your back you need to lean forward(like it feels like your leaning over too much) Or maybe its that your head is down when your jumping. Are you looking higher than eye level when your spotting? that's what you need to do. So, yeah practice at the bar jumping in place and that'll help some.
Oh and one more tip: Are you kind of jerking yourself to get around in the air? Well that just means you need more power on your Cha-nays. (sorry I don't know how to spell it!)
I'm on a Competition team at my dance studio and I can answer any questions.
name: Maddie
State: TX

Just think of your second knee coming up to your first knee and taking you around all the way. Don't be afraid to jump and turn. You can use your arms for momentum as well. Keep it clean, and if you have to start out with just an axel in place or one with a half turn, then thats fine. You'll get it!

Good luck! :)