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Position:Home>Dancing> Anyone know backflip tips?

Question:what are some guidelines to learing how to do a backflip?i have to do one for a routine and im just wondering if anyone knows tips on doing them?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: what are some guidelines to learing how to do a backflip?i have to do one for a routine and im just wondering if anyone knows tips on doing them?
Completing a backfilp is simple physics. (FYI, yes I can do one). First it takes courage, because (although it's very simple) technically, it can be dangerous. Especailly if you land on your head. Which is why you should have a spotter while you train at all times. Also alway practice on a gym mat. (I learned on a regular gym floor and had some close calls and many bruises).

Ok so this is what you need to do.

Step One: Think STRAIGHT UP. People have a tendency of jumping backwards, by pushing off with their feet in a front to back motion. This is a mistake. You want to jump straight up as high and as fast as you can. Practice jump by crouching your knees low, then just jump vertical over and over.

Step Two: Tuck your knees in. You know at the pool when people do the "cannonball" off the diving board. Well, it's just like that position. Except you want to thrust your knees straight up to your chin. This motion will automatically cause your body to spin backwards. It also helps if you tip your head backwards to facillitate the shifting of your weight.

DONE: Yes, that's it. It's very simple. You'll probably land on all four limbs the first few times, but as you get better your jump and tuck will be more and more compact. Think compact and quick. A backflip happens in 1.5 seconds. The more efficient your movements, the more clean and easy the filp with become. Remeber, JUMP UP and TUCK IN. It's easy.

Have fun and be safe!
flip backwards
flip backwords lol!
tuck your neck and make sure you are on flat ground! trust me you will know if you ain't...also make sure your legs go all the way over!! lol
Start out doing a walkover. If you can do it with a spot, that's great, if not, use one. Practice these for a while then try doing a backflip either with a spot or on a trampoline if you have access to one. The trampoline really makes it easiest to learn!
all i wanna add is dont call it a back flip, its confusing and not technically a term. without touching the ground its a standing back, or backhandspring if its a fast back limber.