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Position:Home>Dancing> Homecoming is coming up and i dont know how to dance what should i do i dont wan

Question:i don't want to feel like an idiot what should i do i don't even like to dance my best friends said last year that they used to not like the dances but know they have fun and i want to go but just don't want to sit arround.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i don't want to feel like an idiot what should i do i don't even like to dance my best friends said last year that they used to not like the dances but know they have fun and i want to go but just don't want to sit arround.
Get yourself familiar with the popular hip-hop songs of today (Soulja Boy is pretty hot right now, but it depends on your region). Watch the music videos on YouTube to get a sense if there may be a certain dance style that goes along with the song (Soulja Boy has a specific have to know it or you'll look like an idiot). Just start getting familar with your local radio station and listen to the songs that are recieving the most airplay. Also, while at the dance, if you are uncomfortable, dance in a group; that way, you'll focus on having fun and you can have a little look around to see how most people are dancing and slowly incorporate those moves into yours. Hope this helps; I too was once awkward at school dances.
Move those hips and make it look like your dancing or practice in the mirror