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Position:Home>Dancing> Dance off!?

Question:okay friday theres a dance off between me and my friend, we are useing the full song of the following stronger by kanye west and i need a little help for the dancing part, I need one that will blow her away and will insure my win, please i only have till friday plus i need to memorize it so PLEASE HELP ME

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: okay friday theres a dance off between me and my friend, we are useing the full song of the following stronger by kanye west and i need a little help for the dancing part, I need one that will blow her away and will insure my win, please i only have till friday plus i need to memorize it so PLEASE HELP ME
Attitude. It doesn't matter WHAT you do so much as to HOW you do it. It is all about attitude. Be fierce. Think fierce, and the moves will come.