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Question:I remeber the dance to High School Musical 2 "All For One". My friends say i'm weird

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I remeber the dance to High School Musical 2 "All For One". My friends say i'm weird
Of course that is not weird, I remember alot of dances to things I watch. Music Videos, Plays I have seen, whatever. It just means you have watch it to much.
hmmmm......i dont find that weird at all........maby your friends are kind of going over the top just to bug you.
i remember lyrics after hearing them once.....most of my friends do!
hope i helped
Nothing's weird , bad , and doesn't suck, if it's yours, and you like it.
of course your wierd unless your like 12 i hate that cheesy movie like all the girls in my class are obsessed but mkay
I don't find it weird, as part of my college studies, I'm studying dance, I have to do a community service of dance and I chose to teach children and most of them ask me to teach them High School Musical 1&2 dances.
I guess that all depends on how old you are???
um no i don't find that weird i find it funny and cool i would probably take me a long time to remember though steps.
if by weird you mean sad...