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Question:After watching groups like Expression and Newest... I wanted to take up breakdancing. How can I start? What kind of strengths should I build?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: After watching groups like Expression and Newest... I wanted to take up breakdancing. How can I start? What kind of strengths should I build?
You can start breakdancing by starting to breakdancing. Learn the basic moves first, the toprock and foot work. If you don't have toprock, you aren't a breakdancer. Some people can do things like flips and headspins but no toprock. They are not true bboys. You can search up toprock and foot work (six step) tutorials on youtube.
When you first try toprocking, it may look pretty bad and sloppy. Don't worry about it and keep practicing. Eventually you will be able to do it smoothly and being able to do it with rythym.
While you learn basics, you can start trying things like handstands, tripods, front handsprings, and things like that. I recommend you start bboying with a friend and learn together.
Learning how to breakdancing requires a lot of commitment. A lot of people go on and off breakdancing because it takes a pretty long time to get good at it.
The more you practice, the better you'll get.
You should build every muscle of your body (arms, legs, chest, abs, neck, butt, eg.) . But the abdomnials are probably the most important. Balance and flexibility are just as important
well first you'll need loads of plates (or whatever comes to hand), start dancing and chuking them.
Toprock is the easiest thing ever! start with that! then six step and then more difficult things! take some hip hop dance classes. if ur advanced then thats usually when they start doing breakdancing! good luck! =]

oh ya! and drink milk, lifft weights and do alot of situps push ups ab work and other things to get ur upper body strenght!
haha ur abs and ur arm strength. and ur balance