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Your Opinion On Songs?

I attended a dance recital, and I was very disgusted in the taste of the music they chose. Most songs were all the "Give me a throbbing headache Pop music" or some did not even go with the dance at all! I have nothing against Pop, but wouldn't you agree it would be a little more enjoyable if they didn't have such annoying songs?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I totally agree. Who wants to sit through something like that. The dance teacher obviously isn't that good of a teacher and definatley has a bad taste in music!! Source(s):
Myself yes i agree, but depending on the age sometimes the instructor lets the dancers pick the song they want to dance to. Sorry. I read the question wrong at first, but anyway, yes it would be more enjoyable, but you have to remember that the dancers are the ones who have to dance to the music. That being said I figure pop was what they felt comfortable dancing too. I have been to a dance recital like that before. It was a girl I knew from church and I told my Mom & my sister we have to go, I want to go to see her dance so bad. Once we got there I was like "I'm sorry I made ya'll come to this!!" So we went and got ice-cream afterwards.

And yea I hated it.