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Tap class fideas?


Im teaching a tap class for k-1st. I was wondering of some moves i could do with them. I need more across-the -floor things for them to do. Any ideas?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i help a younger kid dance class. i have helped ages 4-7 for 4 years now so i do know what they do.
at the begining have them sit in a circle and clap and count to music.
then have them show you the diff parts of their shoe:tip, toe, ball, heel
then have them shuffle step, shuffle hop step.
then go across the floor with, alligator walks[heel toe], step tip[step then have them hit the very top of their shoe behind them], marches, toe heels, brush step[a way to learn flaps]
make sure they have their hands on their hips on all of those excersizes, but with marches have them swind their arms.
after that have them go in a line in the middle of the room and teach them a small routine that includes some of what you did in class. make sure you it with them because they will not remember it!
good luck and have fun! =] back and forth well you can try..
heel steps, toe heels, flaps, running flaps, running shuffles, possibly buffalos, front essences, back essences you could start with shuffles, flaps, heel steps, toe steps and then move onto a little harder stuff like shuffle ball changes, flap ball changes, toe hop steps, scuffs, brushes, irishes and reverse irishes. some of those might be too hard or easy for them though i would keep it to single sounds to start: step, stamp, stomp, hop, dig, leap, hop, etc. you can do tons across the floor with single sounds. after they get comfortable with moving with those, then i'd start with the double sounds like shuffles, etc