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Position:Home>Dancing> Can i teach myself how to dance hip hop? if so how?


Can i teach myself how to dance hip hop? if so how?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: if you are a visual learner then just watch viedos on how to on you tube and replay it untill you get the dance down good luck watch music videos, and practice the moves they do. If you are a fast learner you can watch music videos. but if not , you definitely need somebody to teach you! No not really it's better if you watch other people or take classes.Cause my jazz and lyrical teacher can't teach hiphop at all and still other people continue to learn from her hiphop and they also suck to.So you might wan't to watch or take classes. The best way to learn hip hop is to have a family member gunned down in a drive by shooting, then go bust a cap in the brother of one of the shooters. Getting the hang of it?