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Position:Home>Dancing> What's the proper etiquette and tradition for the wedding dance?


What's the proper etiquette and tradition for the wedding dance?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you've decided to have a wedding reception that involves a live band or a DJ and dancing, it's generally expected that you'll start the dancing and festivities with the wedding dance. However, there is protocol to follow if you want to do it correctly.

The wedding dance begins with the bride and groom. Usually with lights dimmed and their "favorite song" (or at least, a danceable favorite song) playing softly, the bride and groom will take the dance floor alone.

Eventually, as the music continues to play, the bride's father should cut in on the pair and begin dancing with his daughter. Then the groom asks the bride's mother to dance, and the two pairs share the dance floor.

After this, the groom's father then cuts in on the bride and her father and begins dancing with the new bride. As if that's not enough cutting in on, the bride's father then cuts in on his wife and the groom and dances with his wife. Following this, the groom asks his mother to dance, and then the parents exchange partners. Then the best man dances with the bride, the groom dances with the maid of honor, and slowly the entire wedding party makes their way out onto the floor.

Once the whole wedding party is dancing, then all of the guests and attendants should be encouraged to come out and enjoy the festivities.-