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Freed Pointe Shoes?

I do ballet 3 times a week, all 3 classes include pointe work. I am in the pre-intermediate level, but have extremly strong feet and high arches. I always wore professional shoes, while my classmates were wearing beginner shoes, even to this day. I got a pair of Freed Studio II, and they feel so wonderful. I have a class in them on Thursday. I already sewed them. The problem is, everbody is telling me that on the 1 class I missed, my teacher said NOT to get Freeds because they are too professional. She always approved of my professional shoes before, do you think these are ok? I just got these and really can't return them... do I need new ones?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I would call your teacher before class and tell her you got new shoes and is it okay for you to dance in them. If you can't call her, then bring in your Freeds and old shoes for class, go in early and explain everything, and if she doesn't let you wear the Freeds, then wear your old shoes and tell your mom after class. Either your mom can talk to your teacher or you can get new shoes. Good Luck!