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Large mens salsa or dance shoes?

I am a size 13 to 14, depending on the type of shoe, and since dance shoes seem to run small I need to find a place that either sells size 14's or allows you to have a size 14 custom made. Every place that I have looked at so far carries only size 12's and a few places carried a size 13, but that is it. If anyone could help me out it would be much appreciated.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Check out this site:
Look for Men's Latin Shoes by Rummos. They go up to size 50 (European) Refer to size convertion chart that you can find on the scroll menue on the left. If this doesn't work out for you look into Dance Naturals brand. Dance Naturals are hand-made shoes, I think they might be open to the idea of custom making a larger size shoes. Another brand that does customized orders is International (use the same site). I order extra narrow shoes from them, they are they only ones I found who deals with that. You can inquire with the site owners, they are pretty friendly. Be advized - special orders are not returneable, double check the ordering info, especially the size. Many brands use British size wich is different from American, watch out for that.