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Position:Home>Dancing> I would like to start a move of krumping in indianapolis how can i do this.?


I would like to start a move of krumping in indianapolis how can i do this.?

Im tired of sports being an only option around heer i love krump dancing but how can i challenge my ability or get better if everybody thinks its a joke to dance lol. every body is always smoking pot and thats dumb so what get a group of people to start off.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Round up some friends and post flyers in local shops. Focus on places where people who actualy krump go. You want to include that the meet is for entertainment only and that no alcohol, drugs or violence will be allowed. You want to provide a safe environment because you might get a lot of teenagers. They love krump. The first time you might not have many people come so do not feel discouraged. Make some noise and set up a Friendly presentation for the people who don't know what you are doing. Meet in the same place if possible and hold "practice" sessions where people can see you if you can get an audience you should soon find a contender.