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Dance classes......?

I would like to have a dance career when I'm older. I take Modern dance classes now,but its more classical sort of modern dance. However at school,they teach modern dance but it's got more rythym to it and use dance music,not classical music. If I would like a career in this when I'm older,what kind of dance is the best one?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Ballet is a really important grounding - it gives the technique and grace that sets classically trained dancers apart from others. Most professional dancers in contemporary/musical theatre type companies have had balletic training.

Otherwise, I'd recommend trying everything - as many styles as you can get your hands on. Modern (which isn't actually modern - it's based on styles created in the 1920s), contemporary (more balletic and graceful, but very grounded), jazz, tap, street dance (which sounds more like what you're doing at school)...

There is no "best" style though. You have to do the one that you love most.