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Belly dance choregraphy on Ojos Asi by Shakira?

Have you performed on this music and if yes give me some ideas of choregraphy. Shokran!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I haven't performed to that piece of music. But when I'm working on a new piece of music for a solo performance I play the music and REALLY listen to it. I play the music and listen with my eyes closed and focus on it, and try to feel it. I usually start to feel which movements I want to try to use in the choreography. Then I play the music and try movements that I think might work in it. Some of the movements will feel right and some may not feel right. At least not in that part of the music track. I have a notepad that I write down any thoughts I have about the movements. When I decide what I want in a particular place in the music, I note the track time with it. There can be repeated sequences in the music and you may or may not wish to repeat the same movements in those places. Usually once I have some movements figured out for specific points within the track the other movements just flow naturally. After I have a basic choreography that I want to try to use I usually do a video recording to see if it looks the way that I think it does, and what may need to be changed. Good luck.