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Position:Home>Dancing> What are "russian twists"??


What are "russian twists"??

russian twists? wat r they?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The Russian Twist is an intense version of the Lying or Floor Twist. Do not attempt this exercise if you are not already training abs. This exercise should only be done by those with experience in working their abs.
The Russian Twist works the entire abdominal area including the internal and external obliques.
How to do:

1. Lie face up on a Glut/Ham Chair with your feet locked under
the support bar. If you are at home you may use the floor (lock
your feet under a stationary object and raise your shoulders a
couple inches off the floor to aid movement).

2. Place your palms together, straight up in the air. Your arms
should be stretched completely out at a point just below your
chin. You may hold a weight in your hands for greater
resistence. Typically people use 5-25 pound plates.

3. Rotate your shoulders to the right side. Your hips should
stay rigid and your palms should move a complete 90

4. Repeat this movement to the opposite side.