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Is my poem good?

For my English class, I need to write a poem. I was wondering if this poem is too cliche, or is it pretty good?

Inspiration: Lighted Giraffe

Open the drawers
of those that were ignited
forever seared
Open the drawers
of the muscle men
the decayed women
Open the drawers
of those with crutches
forever implanted
Open the drawers
of those whose faces were ripped
pried loose with a crowbar
Open the drawers
and look inside

inside is twilight
deep blue death of the sky
a legion of burning monsters
ravaging those drawers,

Here's the art that I got the inspiration from:

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It's alright, not brilliant but alright... I'm just glad you actually wrote the poem 'n didn't come here asking for someone else to do it. Now that is brilliant.

But I will at least tell you this; a poem needs flow. Meaning you can read it in 1 breath, sort-a-speak. Your poem is lacking flow 'n needs work there. But I'm not going to help you any more than that.