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How many of you believe in radical life extension?

look at this site before answering:
Personally I'm not as optimistic as de Grey... but still I hope.
After all a lot of things were dimed impossible by the experts (here is a little list: )
I'm certain that sooner or later, maybe in 300 years it will be found a way to reverse aging, point is: when do you think it will happen, if ever?

PS: Evite the following answers
We'll be immortal in God's realm
immortality is innatural ( pox is natural, still I wouldn't like a try)
I would grow bored (nobody is forcing you to stay alive dude...)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm thinking it is only a matter of time. It will it create a radical shift in how we do things. Imagine being a young, entry-level exec. and realizing that your next promotion can't possibly come for a 100+ yrs.