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Is it worth reading. . .?

I've been wanting to buy the book Battle Royal. I've been told it is a good book but I would like to get others opinons then just my friends.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The book is awesome. It's a gore fest from beginning to end, but still incredibly has universal messages. It's more about exploring just what lengths you're willing to go to to save your own life, like killing your best friend. I've read it once after I bought it off ebay for under list price, but then re-sold it. I really did love it, but it isn't one I'm going to re-read, and I only keep books I'm going to read more than once. If none of your libraries have it, and you're going to buy it, I'd get it off the interent, so you don't have to pay full list price. See if anyone would let you borrow it.