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Why is it the ProLife Brigade.....?

Strongly fight to have sex education in schools, contraception and abortions banned but.....
they are the same people who complain about the young people getting pregnant (who were never educated about sex), the welfare system helping the families with these children and same sex couples adopting the children who were unwanted

Why do they choose this soapbox to stand on but also do not want the consequences that follow?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Probably because there is absolutely no logic to their beliefs. The pro-lifers also believe that life begins at conception--go figure. That's like saying "what a delicious-looking apple" when it's still a seed. Not to be offensive, as if I haven't been already, but the majority of pro-lifers are either past child-bearing age, or are men. Neither of those groups of people has the right to say anything about abortion, since they will not ever be impacted by it. If people would shut up about their religious beliefs and let other, actual people live their lives, we'd all be better off. They're whackos who have nothing better to do with their time than play judge and jury to people they don't even know. They have no compunction about killing doctors who perform abortions, so they're not only whack-jobs, they're also great big hypocrites. You'll never get a real answer to your question because there is absolutely no way of debating with these people. Must be nice to walk around in a totally black and white world, no?