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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Is anyone else picky about how they treat their books?


Is anyone else picky about how they treat their books?

I hate it when people bend covers of paperbacks back, I can never bring myself to fold corners, and I keep them in the best condition I can. Anyone else like that? Please share!

Additional Details

3 days ago
I would also like to mentiont that they also get put into my purse a certain way and have to stay in as good a condition they came in, either new or second had resale. The only damage that they are allowed to get are spinal creases.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 3 days ago
I would also like to mentiont that they also get put into my purse a certain way and have to stay in as good a condition they came in, either new or second had resale. The only damage that they are allowed to get are spinal creases.