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I demand to know?

As I was cleaning my church,
I saw a little white spot.
Seeing this tiny white dot,
put me into quite a lurch!

I bent down to have a look,
And what did I find but a fluffin!
It was shaped like a cranberry muffin,
It was just like I've read in books!

I scowled to myself,
And looked for some Stooges,
Then powdered my cheeks with some rouges,
And decided to use it for wealth.

So now that I'm rich,
I demand to know,
Who caused fluffins to grow
Now tell me before I b17ch!

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17 hours ago
Thank-you for fessing up, my sweet Stooge. In the future, please pick up your fluffins when you drop them in church. Thanks.

Todd!!! I didn't swear in the church!! *giggles*

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 17 hours ago
Thank-you for fessing up, my sweet Stooge. In the future, please pick up your fluffins when you drop them in church. Thanks.

Todd!!! I didn't swear in the church!! *giggles*