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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Are gramatics and puncuation different within the context of poetry?


Are gramatics and puncuation different within the context of poetry?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There are some poets who believe if you are at a line break, then you don't require punctuation. But not many. There are others who will substitute a blank space (tab or five spaces) for punctuation. However, most poets return to the practice of proper punctuation, at least to establish that they know it, and that the other pieces are done with something in mind, a purpose.

There are a lot of people who are intimidated by punctuation and refuse to believe it is necessary, but that usually results in some pretty goofy interpretations of what they are trying to say with their words.

To address the prior answerer: the most common use of ellipsis at the end of a line means a trailing off, or something removed for purposes of brevity or meaning.

The best practice is always to know the rules prior to breaking or disregarding the rules.