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So what exactly were some connections between the Women's movement and the Abolitionist's movement??

All I could come up with is that they are a parallel, both fighting for equality. I guess women are much more sympathetic to the condition of slavery because they were sort of enslaved by men...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Some of the people participating in both of these movements are interconnected. Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman both played a role in the Women's Movement, although I doubt most people are even aware of it.

Check out this site, which gives you a major connection between the Abolitionist Movement and the Women's Movement -

The Anti-Slavery Connection at:

Here's a chart showing the different groups that all worked together, including those in the Temperance Movement.

Frederick Douglass attended the 1848 convention at Seneca Falls, by the way. To see his involvement, check out: