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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Mother told a story from a book of short stories. IT was called "One Alask


Mother told a story from a book of short stories. IT was called "One Alaskan Night" anyone know which book?

It had been typed out from a book of short stories and was the true story of a female journalist on vacation in Alaska visiting friends or relatives. The Lady wandered off alone and got lost had a bear encouter and took refuge in an abandoned cabin. The Lady spent a frightening night in the cabin which she believed belonged to a crazy trapper who might have kidnapped children and injured them. She heard noises all night and scared herself into believing that these children were trying to get into the cabin but when she would look no one was there. In the morning she was found and learned that the noises were only flying squirrels landing on the roof. Does anyone remember reading or hearing this story and if you do would you happen to know where it comes from? I believe it was titled "One Alaskan Night" and if I can remember it was written in first person.

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