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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> On the mysteries of life. I was reading an interview with someone who lived thro


On the mysteries of life. I was reading an interview with someone who lived through the 60's...?

...he was in his 40's during that period from 65 to 69. He's a writer by the name of Norman Mailer. When asked about LSD use in the 60's he explained that it opened a big highway to the mysteries of life and he was totaly against it's use, and never did used it himself. He said this,

"I felt it was too easy. I have always had this very strong, call it a feeling, call it a prejudice, call it a conviction, that the mysteries are not easily available. You have to earn entrance in to them." he goes on..."the people that were taking it were seeming to become less and less as they took it. They got emptier and more vapid"

What are your thoughts reading this? Can you describe an experience in which you earned into a mystery of life?

I ask this because I have used LSD in the past, but to this day I feel denied by "public conciousness" [as I call it], and it's mysteries. I keep thinking that people are seeing something in me, they don't want to learn or just don't like.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am an old psychedelic warrior who also lived through the sixties (despite the best efforts of my government to get me killed in Viet Nam.) I am of an opinion diametrically opposed to Mailer's. The so called mysteries are hidden in plain sight. Taking LSD, as Aldous Huxley put it, simply cleanses the "doors of perception".

The down-side of that vision is that it is apparently almost impossible to communicate any but the most rudimentary aspects to those who remain caught in the illusions of "conventional wisdom", popular organized religions and generally in thrall to the "dance of the archetypes". One who has experienced gnosis is necessarily set apart. It can't be helped.

Study the ancient wisdoms and pretty much ignore the "authorities". Attend to the numinous and what is real will resonate with your experience. You will suffer from illusions and vain imaginings, but persevere and remember that the Golden Rule is the pole star of the spiritual odessey. As Thomas' Christ put it, "Let him who seeks not cease seeking until he finds...", and later, "What ye seek has come already but ye see it not." (That is NOT Paul of Tarsus' Christ - that "Christ" is, for the most part, a construct of those same Pharisees whose "righteousness" he despised. )
