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Im doing colorguard?

im doing colorguard next year(8th grade), you dont have to try out, my mom did it highschool, and so i was wondering what i can do to like prepare for it. we are also going to performing for the first 2 football games. so yea. i just wanted to know how i could prepare.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm on color gaurd, and it really depends on what you will be twirling, whether it be baton, flag, swing flag, hoop, or ribbon.

Hoops and ribbons are pretty easy, just flick of the wrist. They're only really used for flash.

To prepare for baton, I would learn how to do figure eights, pinwheels, thumb tosses, horizontals, and perhaps a full turn. Those are the basics that we make our tryouts perform.

For flags, I would consider learning helicopters, spirits, around the worlds, drop spins, and tosses.
Those are just more basics.

Swing flags are another really flashy tool, basically used for figure eights, side loops, and half turns.

Hope you have a good season! And remember, don't let those cheerleaders get you down!