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What's the best size of Prismacolor markers to buy?

I'm looking to buy Prismacolor markers, but I want to make sure I have enough colors. I bought the 24-pack a year ago, but found it to be lacking, especially in the skin-tone department. Any suggestions on which pack is the best?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've found prisma to always be abit lacking in the skin tone department.They do have this set out now which could help out your 24 pack:

Your best bet is, the bigger the better. The more colors the more option. But instead of shelling out $200+ right away, Starting with your 24 [and maybe that skintone set] A lot of artstores have displays selling individual Prisma markers so you could buy a few at a time and only the colors you'll need for the specific project, this way your collection can grow overtime!
