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How can someone who is adopted find out who their real parents are?

I was adopted when I was four years old. My adopted parents name are on the birth certificate. How can I find out who my real parents are?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This site costs money to track down your birth parents.


Adoption Reunion Registries


This site offers a list of adoption reunion registries, adoption-related classifieds and message boards where you can post information about yourself or the birth parent you are looking for. In some instances, adoptees and birth parents have posted to these registries and located each other.


There is a wealth of information here to get you started on your journey to finding your birth family, including articles, directories, newsletters, forums, support groups, legal issues and more.

Bastard Nation

The name of this site makes me cringe, because "bastard" is the term they used to call adopted kids.

Still, this website provides advocacy for adoptees' rights. Most states still have closed adoption records. meaning that adoptees are pretty much kept from obtaining information, such as court records and original birth certificates. Only five states are the exception.

You can at least get some moral support here and learn from others what steps they have taken in their quest to find their birth parents.

This site gives tips on how to track your birth parents.