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What do you think this poem means?

a peach not yet ripe enough to eat....
left to grow and flourish..
as it matured it grew and grew..
it was last on the tree..
the peach was dangerously close to never being eaten..
til someone found it at it's prime..and decided to save it from rotting..
they knew it was time to indulge in the sweetness...
but when they took a bite they bit too far...
chipping their tooth on the pit...
they threw the peach... not eating it anymore..
no matter how sweet and tastey it was.. the peach had left a scar...
surrounded by all good there is a pit of evil..
one might say the peach was mad for being left til last on the tree..
one might say the person who took a bite was too hasty..
taking a bite only for the flavor not for the experience..
forgetting about the pit but blaming the peach...
and then in the presence of pain decided to throw the perfectly good fruit away..
its your fault if you get hurt by being to hasty..
there is a pit in all of us..
so beware of the person who forgets that.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I must agree with the other two commenter's a.) its about relationships (one option), and b.) it is rhetorical for the third from the last line almost sums up your whole poem.

but I also believe they were to hasty in judging this poem just like the story they jump to the end, as you said only doing it for the juicy reward and not the experience of granting others and intelligent and helpfully opinion. Reading this would be a good reminder to anyone that we as humans always expected more than we get out of anything, from grades, to jobs, cars, even poems. It good food for thought, but beware before one thinks ones self crazy...