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Any advice for starting a story?

I read Stephen King's "On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft," several years ago and can remember his advice fairly well. I have always wanted to write stories and have tried many times. Yet, my characters are not very distinct and seem very unrealistic.

Lately, I have been looking for details in my life that would breathe some life into the characters and ideas I have floating around in my head. Today I realized that the relationship between my older brother and sister is something that might work for what I want to do. How do I turn this into a best-selling novel...

Just kidding. I'm writing for myself, not to get published. I just want to be able to read my stories with clarity and then possibly share them with a few family members or friends.

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2 weeks ago
Stephen King does agree. He seems to advocate writing down a few details, though, and then coming back to them later.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 2 weeks ago
Stephen King does agree. He seems to advocate writing down a few details, though, and then coming back to them later.