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Has the third Dean Koontz book in the Frankenstein trilogy been released yet?

I have one and two, and I haven't seen three yet. Is it even out? What is the title?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: No - I wrote a letter to Mr. Koontz a while back asking him about that and I got a very kind reply. He said he has postponed the third book for a while 1) He was having difficulties working with a co-author and the third book will be done by him alone. 2)He was concerned with unleashing Victor on New Orleans so soon after Hurricane Katrina. He just didnt feel right about that - since the books take place in NOLA. He decided to put it on the back burner for a while. Expect the third one next summer. I am waiting for it myself because I think Deucalion is fantastic. Pax- C