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Would life be complete without sadness?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Life would definitely not be complete without sadness. Without sadness, you might think that you would be happy all of the time. You might have the appearance of being happy by our current standards but you would have no way of knowing what you have because there would be no standard against which to measure your attitude. In addition, if you are happy all of the time without any change, you run a high risk of boredom. There would be no changes to look forward to.

Let's look at the question in physical terms. If everyone is rich and always walks around with a million dollars in his/her pocket, then nobody is really rich because there is no poverty to measure against. Similarly, if everybody is poor and has no money or property, then nobody is poor because there is nothing for anybody to see that he or she is missing.

We need contrasts to measure against or what we have (or don't have) is meaningless.