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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Are you a driver or a passenger on your life?


Are you a driver or a passenger on your life?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I was the passenger for a very long time..hahaha over time I became a full fledge driver and I love it.....but from time time I like to still be on the passenger side with friends and family can take a break from life and let a friend take the wheel to our destination...I love driving my Mom around she says I am a great driver :))) I feel greatly in control but never to the point as driver that I abuse that privilege because God gave me that privilege to be the driver and I take it very seriously always expecially when others are in MY CAR hahah AND in MY LIFE :)))) Can't wait to drive tomorrow and blast my music hahaha have happy Sunday :)))) Nice question :)))