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Anyone know..?

of any artworks or sites with artworks that represent or symbolise power in any way?
any works at all?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I don't know if this would answer your question.

But there was a movie "Jesus Christ, Superstar", where Judas, after selling Jesus for 30 silver pieces, was pursued by jet planes.

Note that jet airplanes did not exist in ancient times. The planes were meant to represent power from above, as in God.

Power comes in many forms. One type is physical (Hercules), another type is spiritual (such as a deity), still another type is mental (hypnosis).

Power can also be apparent (a man wielding a hammer, such as Thor), symbolic (as in the planes above), or subtle (as in when a character dresses in black), or as appearing as mythical or classical identity (think of Hercules and Death).

If you want to see physical power, see the many images of Hercules and Samson. If you want to see spiritual power, then check out some old books like "The Divine Comedy" or movies ("Ghostbusters!").

Good luck!
