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Should I still play guitar?

I wanted to learn to play guitar and I did get a little better after 2 years of not much practice but now I just learn other artist's songs and I can play them after I practice but it bores me. I tried writing my own but that's not good either because I can't write anything good. Still for some reason still want to get better at guitar because I like playing, but maybe some people just aren't good at it, so should I just quit?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: One option is to not bother writing anything at all. Just improvise lead a LOT. Get comfortable with your own style. Most guitarists have many favorite artists, and their style derives from that and personal tastes. Once you feel comfortable with your own personal style, you will know which type music you prefer, and more importantly, can begin to write songs that compilment your lead style. Good luck, and ENJOY jammin!!!