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Is Your POTENTIAL determined by your LIMIT, or is it Your LIMIT that is determined by your POTENTIAL?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Self Actualization every human being should strive for :)))This actualization lies in our HOPE....

Even a spider will refuse to lay down and die if a rope can still be spun to a star :)))

Like the spider, there are those of us who refuse to stop spinning, even when it would appear to be far more sophisticated to be without hope. Our rope, though perhaps frail, can still spun with optimism, curiosity, wonder, love, and the sincere desire to share a trip to the stars. Our goal is worth the struggle, for in this case the star to which we aspire is full humanity for all..........Leo F Buscaglia PH.D The art of Being Fully Human :)))

You control your life and you put the blocks/LIMITS on your potential no one to blame but you :))) If you put LIMIT on Anything you stunt your potential growth in whatever you do in life period. I never thought I would get my drivers liscence but I am driving all over IF I would have given up after the last failed drivers test without the HOPE that I could someday drive and get a car I would have never reached my potential right Enki Binki :)))))HAHA