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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> How would i design something like this?


How would i design something like this?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It all can be done in photoshop alone. Some ornaments made with brushes, others can be made by path (pen) tool. Film strips can be made with rectangle marquees (pen tool). Just make one frame, then copy it repeatedly. Make all the frame in one single layer and rotate it, duplicate the layer, move the position to make a shadow impression and drag the shadow layer beneath it. The squares can be made by "Filters>Stylize>Mosaic tiling" with maximum offset set to 1. Then give it a feathered mask.

I think it would be convenient if the canvas is transparent and we fill the bottommost layer with white. We then create the topmost layer, make a full selection marquee for this layer and go to "Select>Modify>border" to set the thickness of the border (frame), then fill it with black.