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One reason why you define yourself under the name' worthy'?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I personally don't define myself as worthy. In my opinion, being worthy is just a label that depends on perception.

I have certain features that society values, and because of them society defines me as worthy. I may or may not value those features myself though.

I also have personality features that I value, but society and my environment may or may not agree.

We can't establish what is worthy and what is not until we know a general standard that can guide us.

Joanne Kathleen Rowling is worthy because she wrote one of the most famous books in our time and motivated children all over the world to read.
Heidi Klum is worthy to the world of modeling, to the part of the media that focuses ob beauty, and those parts of society that evolve around the concept of beauty.
Shakespeare is worthy to the world of literature.

What I'm trying to say is we all have different standards for value. And every person that is considered worthy because of certain features they possess is criticized at the same because of other features.

Until we are given a general, universal standard for worthiness, I will define myself worthy according to personal standards because my standards are independent of society's standards. :)