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Please help?

can someone tell me please how to vectorise a picture ,logo in photoshop from the filters?which tool in the filter should i use?i'm using the 7.0 photoshop...and also there's as i know a second way, is to draw it again....point by point... can someone do me this favor if i send him the logo???it's not a work for someone...but honestly, i need it for's a cedar.. i know the tool where to draw point by point but not being to do it coz i never practice for it...
if someone can help, just send me ur mail, as i'll send it jpeg...u might do it and save it as jpeg..... i need it vectorised (drawng it again point by point) and colored as it is....


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: to use filter effects, scroll down filters and look for lines or "find edges" or try photocopy, you could also try changing copy to grayscale or desaturate color to gray, and adjust threshold and levels for lines, once you have outlines adjusted to your choice, either invert if white on black, or then use pen tool to draw over outlines on new layer,save file and convert outlines to image, although, if you have illustrator, you can open image and re-draw lines in new layer, and save as vector images, the newer version of illustrator has option to convert or find edges, yet depending on what you want, may need to adjust lines to suit your needs,

Inkscape illustrator
GIMP - Windows installers