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After married for over 30 years then yr husband died in a sudden, children hv their own life,what you do ...?

My husband died almost in a sudden 2 yrs ago, he had heart attacked which neither him, I or any of our children (3 boys) knew that he had heart problem. Our 2 boys live over seas w/ own faml only the youngest stay near by married 1 yr ago. I feel that I hv to drag my life day by days, I feel that I lost my vision of life. He's the boss in the faml, very nice and full with care; we always discussed things together, our own decision always "our" decision.

Does any body have the same problem here? How do you overcome yr own mind and feelings?
I'm glad that I still hv my parents whom I can care for as they live close by , but it is not the same; sister & brother are overseas too. Friends this days are busy w/ their grand children and some w/ their pain here and there.

In 3 .5 months Im going to be busy as my youngest is expecting a baby born, but since 2 months ago I am feeling hopeless and no life. Any body can help. Tx

Additional Details

2 weeks ago
I did go to a Hypnotherapist during my first 2 months after Bill passed, it helps but I dont know.
Carl B. you right. I like your answer.
Jon, I dont know how to get yr link.

I am glad I put this question, I have not cried for about a year now, today I do, I am happy to able to. I really feel lonely, dont know what to decide abt my life except not to get married again. I dont want to loose someone I share my life twice. Once is more than enough.

2 weeks ago
JD. I appreciate wt you say too, I am glad he went quick, we went to dentist &hairdresser together the day be4 he passed, we were happy. He was not suffer. But left me feeling like in a dream tho.

2 weeks ago
Well, I think I hv to be strong, I cant change this reality, I cant make him back, my time w him together is over. It is nice to live with love, but goodness it is hard to loose it. Thanks a lot friends.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 2 weeks ago
I did go to a Hypnotherapist during my first 2 months after Bill passed, it helps but I dont know.
Carl B. you right. I like your answer.
Jon, I dont know how to get yr link.

I am glad I put this question, I have not cried for about a year now, today I do, I am happy to able to. I really feel lonely, dont know what to decide abt my life except not to get married again. I dont want to loose someone I share my life twice. Once is more than enough.