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What interesting facts about history can you tell me?

I'm curious to see how much people know about other countries. What can you tell me about other countries histories that perhaps I really would never have known?

We all know about Hitler, WW1 and WW2...I'm just interested in knowing what others know about foreign countries and their histories.

I hope I won't be looking at a lot of white space below....LOL

Additional Details

2 weeks ago
I just posted something I saw on the history channel about there were a string of "Ivan's" who ruled and how they conquered and how one was given the title of "great" but the other who came 100 years after was called "the terrible" because he was paranoid and ruthless. It was fascinated to learn the storey of how it came to be...helps you understand why it's how it is today really. Just curious about other places too. :~)

2 weeks ago
Oh well I expected the brainiacs to come out. Sorry you two get an F.

2 weeks ago
No I didn't smoothie...are you saying Australians are decendents of convicts then?

2 weeks ago
Wow, thanks for sharing Tommy!

2 weeks ago



2 weeks ago
Wow, could have been a social columnist for the times...interesting but it's the very characters of leaders that determine the paths of society. Some things never change! :~)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 2 weeks ago
I just posted something I saw on the history channel about there were a string of "Ivan's" who ruled and how they conquered and how one was given the title of "great" but the other who came 100 years after was called "the terrible" because he was paranoid and ruthless. It was fascinated to learn the storey of how it came to be...helps you understand why it's how it is today really. Just curious about other places too. :~)