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Why are we so confidently ignorant? feelings of being lost, confused and open\vulnerable, is that negative?

"I \ me" is paper thin, our world constructed by walls made of cardboard, yet we will fight others to protect it from being torn down.
What are we afrid of?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Humans have a drive that wants to understand things in a mechanical fashion. Whether it is natural or induced is a matter for conjecture but many classical philosophers presented this mechanistic view of the world as an ordered place. This is of course somewhat at odds that reality is in fact a matter of statistical probability, a state that is permanently in flux, forever changing. Now what sort of world would people generally prefer to see? the former, replete with answers for everything through scientific enquiry or one where we recognise our place in nature and dutiful respect toward it. What are we afraid of? Not knowing, not understanding, not having a future we can predict, etc etc. ...