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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> I want this story to end like this...:" i'll be back", the voice said.


I want this story to end like this...:" i'll be back", the voice said.i shuddered.?

this is my intro:

The sudden rattle of the windows caused me to wake up from my sleep. 2 in the morning. Why I am not surprised? It is not because of the rain or strong wind. But, it is a sign of someone who will be appearing on my balcony any minute now. Someone who has been torturing me for doing something that meant no harm to any soul in the world. I was just trying to be a Good Samaritan who became a mother of 4-year-old child because of my willingness to adopt this innocent soul whom I love dearly. I did not know that this harmless deed will cause my life to be in danger. However, I do not care of this stranger who had been haunting me for the past few weeks. I love my kid. I would do anything to keep him away from the stranger.

i dont know how my story going to continue but does this intro suit the ending???

can anyone give me ideas???

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Interesting premise.

I'll be back. Well, when I hear those words it makes me think of Arnold Schwarzenegger (sp?). He says those words in almost every film I've ever seen (even Running Man).

I'd agree you'll need to be more descriptive, but I think you need to give a bit more info, too. Adopting a child is going to change your entire life, childless or not. I'd think the process could be tricky, too, unless the individual started as a foster mother or there is some relation to the child or it's a small town and the courts moved quickly. I don't know everything about this subject, but these are questions I would have as a reader.

Paint the picture a bit more slowly. There is some suspense, and that's good. When you said, "doing something that meant no harm to any soul in the world" I was thinking maybe the character tried to save someone who died. Just find a way to give a bit more info without giving it all away.

As for ending the book like that...first, I had a writing teacher who said 99% of the time, "It was only a dream" would NOT work (I think that was a suggestion give to you). Second, I don't like reading a book that leaves me hanging totally, waiting for the next one. You have to have some kind of closure, and hopefully you do. I mean you don't want the scary voice to be back and no readers to return because they feel let down, right? You want readers to watch the characters grow and the plot twist to keep us on our toes.