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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> With out looking it up who was mary magdalene and what was her role in history?


With out looking it up who was mary magdalene and what was her role in history?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: She has no role in history any more than Harry Potter has a role in history. Mary Magdalene is a character in a very boring book, a former prostitute who befriends a kindly hippie who cured people using herb infused oils and other natural remedies. He was a kind man and his friendship with the former prostitute was a symbol of his kindness meant to teach tolerance to the judgemental people that populate the rest of the novel. He may or may not have "schtupped" her.--as the ancient Hebrew tome was not clear on this point. Some folks like to think so. Some folks like to think that if the decendants of that former prostitute and that kind hippie still populated the Earth, somehow, that's a good thing.

I don't know. I think it's all just a fairy story for the weak minded and logic impaired.