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Monologues For A Teen?

Does anyone know of any good monologues for a teen? I need something either humorous or dramatic. And I'm a beginner, but I have talent.
Thanks for your help!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There a bazillion books with titles like Monologues for Teens and More Monologues for Teen Actors; and they are usually cheap. One word of caution: try to get one with monologues from existing plays that you have heard of and know to be good. Sometimes an author will just sit down and write a monologue for a character in a situation and compile a whole bunch of these into a book. These are crap. Use monologues from known, successful plays and make sure that you're not doing a monologue of King Lear's or Medea's. Make sure it is as age appropriate as possible. Try youngsters in Shakespeare, Arthur Miller, Ibsen, You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown, etc.